
About Advocacy

Through our advocacy work, we give hospitals the tools, skills and support they need to make their vision happen. We empower you with the scale of our membership, represent your concerns and priorities, press for recognition of your needs, and insist on the importance of your voice in public policy.

Blood Banks, Hospitals Issue Donor Call

The American Red Cross, and other organizations that distribute blood products, are again reporting critical shortages following another low-supply situation in June. This one, however, is worse and may constitute the worst blood supply shortage in a decade. “Some hospitals may have to delay elective surgeries and other medical procedures if the situation worsens,” UC Health said in a press release last […]

HASC Shares National Hospital Week Toolkit

May 9-15, 2021 is National Hospital Week. Over the past year, California hospitals successfully coped with the biggest challenge in generations. The time is ripe for recognizing them and their heroic teams. Download our comprehensive National Hospital Week Social Media Toolkit here. The 185 HASC region hospitals and more than 400 hospitals across the state held firm in the face of overwhelming […]