In recent years, racial inequality and social injustice protests have overlapped with the COVID-19 pandemic’s disparate impact on communities of color. Together, these issues have compelled hospitals to examine their commitment to diversity and inclusion to better serve patient populations.

In response, Communities Lifting Communities (CLC) and HASC have developed this diversity, health equity and inclusion (DHEI) resource page. We aim to offer information, practical solutions and tools to increase access and improve quality of care for marginalized people.
To demonstrate commitment to workforce diversity, HASC developed the College to Career Diversity Internship Program (CDIP). This full-time summer internship exposes talented, diverse college students to the health care workforce.
We have also endorsed and promoted to our members the American Hospital Association’s #123 for Equity Pledge to Act Campaign. The campaign aims to ensure that people in every community receive high-quality, equitable and safe care and urges hospital leaders to act to eliminate health disparities.
Our vision is that more organizations will use programs, services and resources to build a more inclusive environment for patients and employees. We invite you to use these DHEI resources and to tell us about your hospital’s efforts. These resources are shared as information and, for those from outside HASC, do not imply our endorsement or recommendation.
The page will be updated regularly and we welcome your additions. Please email resources to Karen Ochoa, Communities Lifting Communities, or Soyinka Allen, HASC Workforce Development.
DHEI Roundtables
2024: Birth Equity
Roundtables take place online from 10 to 11 a.m. Pacific Time.
Past Roundtables
- Tuesday, March 14: Journey to an Anti-racism Organization — Andrea Turner
- Thursday, May 3: Do Tank — DEI storytelling
- Wednesday, June 14: CHOC Children’s Hospital DEI
- Wednesday, Aug. 16: Community Voice or DEI case study
- Wednesday, Oct. 11: TBD
- Jan. 6, 2022
- March 3, 2022
- May 5, 2022
- July 7, 2022
- Aug. 24, 2022
- Sept. 8, 2022
- Nov. 3, 2022
Sept. 2, 2021
- Diversity, Health Equity and Inclusion Survey Summary
- DHEI Org Structure
July 8, 2021
- Huntington Hospital DEI Presentation_070821.pdf
- Video: DEI Roundtable Discussion 070821
May 6, 2021
- LLU-ICP_HASC Presentation 2021
- Video: DEI Roundtable Discussion 050621
March 4, 2021
- HASC – Sutter Health Presentation 03.04.21.pdf
- Video: DEI Roundtable Discussion 030421
January 7, 2021
- Cedars-Sinai Presentation
- Video: DEI Roundtable Discussion 010721
November 5, 2020
- Cone Health Presentation
- DEI Roundtable Discussion_110520
- Cone Health podcast
September 14, 2020
- American Hospital Association’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE)
- IFDHE Presentation
- Essential Health Equity Resources
- Diversity and Disparities Benchmarking Survey
- #123 Equity Pledge, sign up here
- Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Measures for Hospitals and Health System Dashboards
- 135 Racial Equity Resources For Education, Professional & Community Development, Health, And Civil Rights
- Achieving Health Equity: A Guide for Health Care Organizations — Institute for Health Care Improvement. As more health care organizations work toward achieving equitable care for all patients, it’s not enough to focus on intentional discrimination. We must also acknowledge implicit bias and address it.
- Overcoming Unconscious Bias
- American College of Healthcare Executives Resources on Diversity and Inclusion Career Center – ACHE is committed to advancing diversity and inclusion in the health care industry. We invite you to explore ACHE resources available to support the unique career development interests and needs of health care management professionals from diverse backgrounds.
- New England Journal of Medicine — Structural Racism, Social Risk Factors, and Covid-19 — A Dangerous Convergence for Black Americans, Leonard E. Egede, M.D., and Rebekah J. Walker, Ph.D.
- Integrating the 3Ds — Social Determinants, Health Disparities, and Health Care Workforce Diversity, Thomas A. LaVeist and Geraldine Pierre
- How to Begin Talking About Race in the Workplace
- How to Be a Better Ally to Your Black Colleagues
Books to Learn About the U.S. Black Experience
- The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. DuBois
- Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass
- The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James H. Cone
- They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America by Ivan Van Sertima
- Before the Mayflower: A History of Black America by Lerone Bennett, Jr.
- Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington
- White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo
- The Wealth or Health of Nations: Transforming Capitalism from Within by Carol Johnston
- Democracy Matters by Cornel West
- Additional books – Time Magazine
Works of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Strength to Love. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1963. This is a collection of Dr. King’s most requested sermons.
- Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1958. Dr. King’s first book: the story of the Montgomery bus boycott and the beginning of the nonviolent civil rights movement.
- The Trumpet of Conscience. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1968; foreword by Coretta Scott King. This book is taken from the 1967 Massey Lectures that King gave through the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. King addresses issues including the Vietnam War, youth and civil disobedience and concludes with the Christmas Sermon for Peace.
- Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1967. An assessment of America’s priorities and a warning that they need to be re-ordered.
- Why We Can’t Wait. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1963; James M. Washington, ed. The essential writings of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- AHA – Must be an AHA member to access link
- Gloria Goins – Link to website
- Lisa Sloane – More Inclusive Healthcare
- Duane Reynolds, Chartis
- Workforce Diversity Toolkit – Massachusetts Action Coalition (Nursing)
- Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit – Connecticut Nursing Collaborative Action Coalition
- Resources for advancing racial equity in your workforce. SurveyMonkey partnered with racial justice experts to design a series of survey templates. These templates aim to help leaders and HR teams learn about their employees and treat diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as a tangible business metric. Learn more about expert-designed survey templates to help address racial inequity at work, discounts for nonprofits fighting systemic racism and nonprofits you can support by joining SurveyMonkey.
- American Hospital Association Certificate in Diversity Management in Health Care (CDM) – Diversity, inclusion and cultural competence are imperative for health care organizations, as the U.S. demographic landscape continues to change and regulatory agencies continue to implement requirements to improve safety and quality, reduce health care disparities and create more affordable care for patients.
- Culture Amp – Build a diverse and inclusive workplace. Attract great people and create an ideal environment for your entire workforce. It’s not just the right thing to do. It’s a good business decision.
- Diversity Science is a public-benefit company that champions an evidence-based approach to equity and inclusion. We translate the latest research into practical and effective tools to create diverse, equitable, and inclusive organizations.
- h2 Communication, LLC
- JB Training Solutions is a learning company that develops employees throughout their entire life cycle – from entering the workforce all the way to succeeding in senior leadership roles. We partner with organizations across the world to provide learning and development solutions for their exact needs.
- At JONES, we combine the best of organizational psychology with the best of diversity and inclusion to create work environments and leaders that bring the best out of all people. Founded in 1993, our mission is to develop leaders and human systems that counter oppression through diversity, inclusion and organizational effectiveness.
- Just Communities offers cultural competency training to organizational leaders, education seminars for the general public, leadership training institutes for students and teachers, and customized consultation to local agencies for diversity and organizational change initiatives.
- Thomas C. Dolan Executive Diversity Program From the American College of Healthcare Executives – Supports a cohort of mid- and senior-level careerists who aspire to higher leadership roles and provides specialized curriculum opportunities addressing barriers in career attainment and developing executive presence.
- The Winters Group, Inc. is a global diversity and inclusion consulting firm that has partnered with hundreds of organizations to develop, execute, and measure strategies to foster inclusion and lead to breakthrough results. The Winters Group is a certified minority- and women-owned business.
- 65 Resources for Racial and Health Equity – This guide offers strategies for taking action to advance racial equity across society—particularly in health care.
- The Adaway Group is a Black woman–owned consulting firm that brings together multi-racial teams to work on projects related to equity, inclusion, and social justice. In order to build an inclusive, thriving workplace, organizations need to break down the disadvantages built into social institutions via law, policy, and everyday practice. Our structural frameworks and partnerships with other firms get you there, regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, religion, national identity, and ability.
- American Hospital Association #123forEquity Campaign to Eliminate Health Care Disparities – America’s hospitals and health systems are working hard to ensure that every person in every community receives high-quality, equitable and safe care. To do that, we must eliminate health and health care disparities that continue to exist for far too many racially, ethnically and culturally diverse individuals. To accelerate progress on these efforts, the AHA in 2015 launched its #123forEquity pledge campaign. It builds on the efforts of the National Call to Action to Eliminate Health Care Disparities and asks hospital and health system leaders to begin taking action to accelerate progress.
- Cleveland Clinic’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion – Provides strategic leadership for creating an inclusive organizational culture for patients, employees, business partners and the communities served by Cleveland Clinic. Initiatives focus on workforce demographics, education, pipeline development, economic initiatives/supplier diversity and cultural competence
- The Disparities Solutions Center is dedicated to the development and implementation of strategies that advance policy and practice to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health care.
- The Institute for Diversity and Health Equity, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, works closely with health services organizations to advance health equity for all and to expand leadership opportunities for ethnic minorities in health management. We have long believed that promoting diversity within health care leadership and tackling health disparities is critical to ensuring the highest quality of care for everyone.
- Johns Hopkins – Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity – We build resources to ensure that patients are respected, practitioners are supported, students are equipped, faculty members are empowered, leadership is diverse, inclusion is sustained, communities are embraced and lives are saved.
- Kellogg Foundation – National Day of Racial Healing
- Stanford Medicine Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – To create the kind of community that helps us all thrive and prosper, we must create processes that advance equity and inclusion for every aspect of human differences. These include socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, language, nationality, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, geography, disability and age. We are committed to reflecting, celebrating and nurturing this diversity. Our goal is to educate ourselves and pursue meaningful practices that support diversity, equity and inclusion in recruitment, mentorship and work environment.
- Resources on how to engage in racial discussions at home or at work