As concern over the spread of coronavirus increases, we at HASC would like to ensure that we do our part to exercise the best prevention practices and enable you to do what you do best – care for patients. As a result, we are thinking differently about in-person meetings or events where there are alternatives, such as conference calls. Here are some things for us to start doing immediately.
Consider the value of an in-person vs virtual meeting. If the coronavirus continues to spread, it is safe to assume that people will be more cautious about travel and at least some organizations will implement travel restrictions that will impact meeting attendance. If a meeting/event can be converted to a virtual platform, like a conference call, live stream, and still be effective, we will do so.
Postpone in-person meetings and events for later in the year, if possible. Not all meetings are conducive to a virtual platform. If a meeting needs to be in-person to be effective, we may consider moving it to a later date.
For in-person meetings and events that cannot be postponed we will adhere to the following safeguards.
- Instruct all guests to refrain from attending in-person if they are sick.
- Provide call-in capability to encourage remote participation when possible.
During meeting:
- Instruct meeting attendees to avoid direct personal contact (such as shaking hands) for greetings and introductions.
- Separate attendees as much as possible. For instance, remove every other chair to allow for more spacing between people.
- Have tissues and hand sanitizer easily accessible.
- Wipe down surfaces before and after the meeting with sanitizer wipes.
Together, we can do our part to keep each other safe. Thank you!