Resilience, strength and hope.
That’s the theme for this year’s National Respiratory Care Week (Oct. 24-30), which runs through Saturday. More than any other time in our history, respiratory care professionals are receiving well-deserved gratitude for helping thousands of patients through this pandemic.
Because COVID-19 reduces many patients’ ability to breathe, respiratory therapists are some of the most critical personnel in this campaign. They have delivered life-saving care to severely-stricken patients for close to 20 months now. These professionals have spent shifts attending multiple patients — some of whom face slim chances of survival.
This month, HASC also honored respiratory care professionals by reaching out to members for photos and stories about why they love their jobs — even during the pandemic. To express our gratitude, we’re sharing their words and photos on social media this week.
“Because of my patients, I have become a person who is grateful for health and the ability to come up with a plan to help someone else get through difficult times,” said Eli Smith, an adult respiratory care manager at Loma Linda University Medical Center.
The selflessness and gratitude in Eli’s words epitomize how our respiratory care teams are the unsung heroes on the front lines.
Also this month, we’ve held regular area meetings — convening CEOs to discuss issues impacting operations, and concerns forecast to impact us longer-term.
The HASC leadership team has formulated recommendations for the association’s 2022 Strategic Priorities to start a conversation and affirm that these priorities are, indeed, our most pressing concerns. The priorities, COVID-19, workforce, behavioral health, hospital finances, and ally building, all connect with each other in complex ways — and not all will have swift resolutions. There are no silver bullets.
These issues will continue to affect us for years to come. As the end of 2021 approaches, we recognize the focus we need to apply to strategically position our hospitals for success as we emerge from this pandemic.
Thank you — and stay strong, stay informed, and stay safe!
George G.