HASC’s ReddiNet® Emergency Medical Communications Service celebrates its 50th anniversary this year – a birthday marked by innovation connected to the region’s coordinated response to COVID-19.
As part of the observance, ReddiNet is sharing a 1971 training film based on HASC’s work developing the original system, which functioned via radio phones based at hospitals. The film’s credits note former HASC President/CEO Steven W. Gamble’s key role in launching the platform.
“The system has come a long way since that original console,” said Soraya Peters, ReddiNet Senior Vice President at HASC. ”Today it’s an integral part of emergency and disaster response and preparedness in 23 California counties, serving about 70 percent of the state’s population.”
ReddiNet is maintained and updated by its Los Angeles based software engineers and support staff.
Among its features, ReddiNet alerts its users when extreme conditions, such as mass casualty incidents, occur. Soon, a new ReddiNet Evacuation Module will assist first responders to manage evacuees during an emergency.
A notable improvement gave customers the Resource Request Module, which allows facilities to electronically request items during the current pandemic from local and state jurisdictions. More than 8,300 resource requests have been submitted and processed so far, resulting in critically needed masks, gowns, ventilators, cotton swabs and test kits being delivered.
Pandemic-related upgrades include:
- Activated 15 alternative care sites in ReddiNet. Five remain active.
- Set up ReddiNet for more than 700 non-acute facilities, including Ambulatory Surgical Centers and Dialysis Centers.
- Implemented multiple customized releases to support counties’ COVID requirements.
- Added several new API interfaces on multiple counties’ dashboards for diversion, assessment data and bed capacity.
- Set-up an interface with CDPH for local EMS agencies to escalate resource requests to the state.
ReddiNet also transitioned 170 satellite-based facilities to the new Hughes Jupiter 2 satellite during the pandemic. The new satellite is faster, more robust and supports up to four VoIP phones. With the Jupiter 2 satellite, users can be independent of area internet, phone and cell services.