SpeedTrack (www.speedtrack.com), a HASC Endorsed Business Partner, is offering a 40% discount on new subscriptions to their Hospital Market Intelligence Platform.
The SpeedTrack platform provides powerful, easy-to-use market analytics for inpatient, emergency department and ambulatory surgery encounters. Use cases include population health, strategic planning, community needs and equity reporting.
Many HASC members are familiar with SpeedTrack as the technology provider for the Hospital Quality Institute’s Hospital Quality Improvement Platform, which is free to HASC and California Hospital Association members. As a result of this partnership, SpeedTrack can produce data within 90 to 120 days of discharge, while the California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) takes as long as nine to 20 months to release the data.
To learn more, contact SpeedTrack’s CEO, Jeff Pratt, at [email protected] or (949) 378-3485.