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Perioperative RN Pilot Team Highlights Success at 2019 Workforce Event

HASC and its workforce development partners highlighted their recent workforce pilot at the California Workforce Association’s Meeting of the Minds in Sept. 2019. Along with the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB) and HealthImpact, the state nursing workforce group, HASC presented Connecting Regional Strategies to Local Program Design and Delivery: Perioperative Specialty Registered Nurse Training […]

Perioperative RN Training Pilot Report

In June 2019, HASC released its Perioperative Specialty RN Training Pilot Project Final Report. The report describes the association’s response to the growing demand for and short supply of perioperative registered nurses (RNs). In partnership with HealthImpact, the state nursing workforce center, and with funding from the South Bay Workforce Investment Board, HASC launched a […]

Diversity, Health Equity and Inclusion (DHEI) Resources

Overview In recent years, racial inequality and social injustice protests have overlapped with the COVID-19 pandemic’s disparate impact on communities of color. Together, these issues have compelled hospitals to examine their commitment to diversity and inclusion to better serve patient populations.  In response, Communities Lifting Communities (CLC) and HASC have developed this diversity, health equity and inclusion (DHEI) resource page. We […]

Care for the Caregiver Resources

HASC is committed to the well-being of our member hospitals and your staff. We recognize that resilient, healthy employees are a workforce asset every day. We know that health care workers can undergo stress, anxiety, grief and burnout as they care for patients. This stress and exhaustion may be especially true as the health care field continues facing staffing shortages. […]

Organ Donation

OneLegacy is the organ procurement organization serving Southern California. Visit their website for current information on how your hospital and regional organ donation networks can collaborate to advance organ donation and successful transplantation processes and outcomes.

Merritt Hawkins’ 2018 Review of Physician and Advanced Practitioner Recruiting Incentives

Briefs Focus is a HASC feature designed to promote constructive dialogue about key issues in health care. This contribution is submitted by Merritt Hawkins, a HASC Endorsed Business Partner. Merritt Hawkins’ 2018 Review of Physician and Advanced Practitioner Recruiting Incentives is an overview of the salaries, bonuses, and other incentives used to recruit physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners. The review’s […]