Client Sponsored Surveys

The health care marketplace is ever-changing, and so are the jobs you need to fill. Client Sponsored Surveys places compensation information at your fingertips – so you can stay competitive and attract the best workforce for your organization.

Compensation managers and human resource directors are confronted each week by department managers concerned about their organizations ability to retain qualified individuals in high-demand positions. Antitrust guidelines restrict individual hospitals from conducting telephone surveys or making direct inquiries regarding pricing, salaries and benefit costs. Adding to this frustration is the new job development or combining job responsibilities to create new hybrid positions and not knowing how to benchmark them.

Client Sponsored Surveys Is Here to Help

Designed to meet unique needs of hospitals by providing the greatest control in collecting compensation, pay practice and employee benefits data while reducing your anti-trust liability.

How Does Client Sponsored Surveys Work?

  • Sponsoring facility selects its peer group and identifies the benchmark positions, pay practices and employee benefits data to be collected.  
  • A trained compensation professional will create the questionnaire and conduct the survey on behalf of the sponsoring facility.
  • Collected data is aggregated and a report is produced and presented to the sponsoring facility.
  • Participating facilities will receive a complimentary copy of the survey findings.

Client Sponsor Survey Participant Guidelines

  • Only participating facilities will receive a copy of the survey report.
  • Participation is entirely optional and not all invited facilities will participate.
  • If, after conducting initial data collection, there is insufficient data, the sponsoring facility will only be billed an administrative fee.

For More Information

Please contact [email protected].

Salarity is the provider of the Allied for Health Surveys – a trusted data resource to help hospitals make smarter decisions.

Teri Hollingsworth

Job title:
Vice President, Human Resources and Education Services
Phone number:
(213) 538-0763
Contact Teri Hollingsworth