Association News

New Program Supports EDs in Treating Substance Use Disorders


CA Bridge has launched the CalBridge Behavioral Health Navigator Program to enable emergency departments (EDs) to become primary access points for treating substance use disorders and related mental health issues. Hospitals that join the program will address substance use disorder as a treatable medical emergency, using trained navigators to identify patients who would benefit from medication for addiction treatment (MAT) or mental health services. Through this program, the Department of Health Care Services aims to make this type of treatment the standard of care in all California EDs.

The Bridge Navigator Program will support hospital EDs in hiring or maintaining an ED-based navigator; identify patient candidates and link them with appropriate treatment; educate providers about MAT; build a welcoming, stigma-free environment and provide rapid, evidence-based treatment; and navigate patients with co-occurring mental health conditions to outpatient treatment. CA Bridge will provide all participating hospitals with materials, training, and technical assistance. To learn more, join an informational webinar on Friday, May 13, at noon PDT or visit the Bridge Navigator Program webpage.

Ana Reza
(714) 750-2685
[email protected]