Associate Membership

HASC is pleased to offer several associate membership types for non-hospital organizations.

Associate Corporate Membership 

For businesses that provide products and services to hospitals, such as consulting, legal, architectural, design, executive search and educational firms. As a member, you’ll increase visibility within the hospital industry, expand networking opportunities and receive discounts on HASC events.

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Associate Provider Membership 

This membership serves physician groups, home health, skilled nursing facilities, hospice providers, clinics and other organizations involved in clinical aspects of the health care delivery continuum. As an associate provider, you’ll gain access to HASC programs, publications and targeted services such as compensation practices data.

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Associate Diverse Suppliers

For micro businesses or very small business enterprises (VSBEs) that aim to serve hospitals and promote supplier diversity in the health care community. Business owners must identify with at least one of the following communities: Persons of color, Indigenous/Native American, LGBTQI+ persons, women, persons with disabilities, veterans. Economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs are especially welcome to apply.

Learn more

Associate Member Directory

A listing of current HASC associate members.

Statewide Member Directory

The California’s Hospitals and Health Systems searchable directory includes current HASC hospital members, associate members, Endorsed Business Partners, and other affiliates.


For any questions about associate membership, please contact Katrina Quinto.

Katrina Quinto

Job title:
Director, Membership Services
Phone number:
(213) 538-0733
Contact Katrina Quinto