In the Spotlight: Dr. Regina Chinsio-Kwong

Known familiarly as Dr. CK, Regina Chinsio-Kwong holds a doctor of osteopathy (DO) degree from Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona. She currently serves as deputy health officer at OC Health Care Agency.
Edison Shares County-level PSPS Forecasts
Southern California Edison’s new weather awareness page now gives hospitals and other business customers advanced warning about Public Safety Power Shutoff events.
Public Safety Power Shutoffs, or PSPS events, are designed to reduce risk of wildfire during high-wind and other fire-weather events. For the past several years, SCE has worked with HASC to keep hospitals up to date on the latest information associated with PSPS events.
LANES Platform Connects L.A. County Providers
to California Immunization Registry, or CAIR
The Los Angeles Network for Enhanced Services, or LANES, platform is now connected to the California Immunization Registry, known by the acronym CAIR. The ability to link seamlessly with CAIR is the latest addition to the LANES population health enablement platform, aggregating real-time health information.
State of the Unions Webinar Set for March 31
HASC’s next session on labor union trends in the U.S. and California health care industries is now set for Thursday, March 31. State of the Unions: Organized Labor Review Webinar offers an overview of organized labor’s current activities and identifies opportunities to utilize important trends.
Enrollment is limited to HASC hospital members only.

Azusa Pacific University Offers Perioperative Nurse Course This February Through June

HASC’s workforce initiative partner, Azusa Pacific University, or APU, is offering a perioperative RN specialty course this spring. The APU RN specialty course is available for any hospital in the region to prepare RNs transferring to a new position in perioperative nursing at their facility.