Association News

Edison Portal Delivers Power-Shutoff Updates

Southern California Edison is now offering a Public Safety Partner Portal that delivers detailed Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) information not available to the general public at

Hospital managers will find information provided on the basis of their Critical Infrastructure Customer status. 

“SCE’s new Public Safety Partner Portal provides detailed forecasts and outage information to help public safety partners and critical infrastructure customers plan for and get real-time updates about PSPS events,” Kelly Garcia, a principal manager in SCE’s Business Customer Division told HASC Briefs. “We strongly encourage hospitals to sign up and take advantage of this resource.”

Available information varies by customer, but may include the following for active PSPS events.

  • PSPS event interactive map identifying outage areas, impacted circuits with estimated restoration times, and community resource centers/community crew vehicles.
  • Event-specific files.
  • Outage areas and impacted circuits in various downloadable formats and API to allow integration with third party systems.
  • Event-specific reports.
  • Summary of impacted customers.
  • Critical facilities and identified medical baseline and critical care customers.

Facilities managers and others with relevant roles are invited to sign up for the portal.

Registration link:

A short, six-minute information and training video is available via YouTube here.

A brief SCE information brochure is available here and below.

With questions, please contact HASC Vice President, External Affairs and Strategic Communications Adam Blackstone.