The Hospital Association of Southern California delivers high-quality programming to our membership, providing several major annual conferences and special events. These membership events bring together hundreds of health care and community leaders from across the region.
Attended by as many as 550 individuals, these annual conferences offer outstanding corporate sponsorship opportunities for businesses and organizations interested in reaching these powerful decision makers.
HASC Annual Meeting – April / May
This three-day conference is aimed at hospital leaders and health care executives from throughout the region. The conference includes keynote presentations and focused breakout sessions on topics relevant to c-suite decision makers, as well as several networking opportunities. The event tends to sell out, with an average attendance of more than 500 people. For more information, please email [email protected].
One-Day Education Programs – Year-Round
Each year, HASC presents over a hundred one-day educational programs attracting audiences of c-suite, manager, and line staff professionals as well as students. Topics range from alignment in a risk-sharing landscape to patient safety, to leadership training for nurses. Visit our Education section for individual programs to attend and sponsor, or contact Teri Hollingsworth, [email protected].