The HASC-Health Career Connection (HCC) workforce diversity program is known as the College to Career Diversity Internship Program, or CDIP. CDIP is a full-time, paid, project-based internship program that identifies and recruits local, diverse, high-performing upper-division college students and recent graduates seeking health care careers.
Host an Intern
We are now accepting host applications for the CDIP 2024 summer cohort. In an ideal placement, host organizations and their intern supervisors, or “preceptors,” provide hands-on learning experiences. Examples include shadowing key executives, interviewing staff and stakeholders, and working on projects that help interns understand both the organization and the health sector.
CDIP interns provide value to host organizations through the projects they complete and their fresh insights, innovative thinking and enthusiasm to learn and engage. If you’d like to host an intern, please visit the CDIP web page to learn more and complete the Host Interest Form.
Highlights from Past Cohorts
Reni Ajukwu
St. Francis Medical Center
Fellow, Cherished Futures for Black Moms and Babies Project
Sponsored by Communities Lifting Communities
- Successfully developed two sets of culturally sensitive survey questions to gain a deeper understanding of the Black patient experience at St. Francis Medical Center.
- The survey is divided into five main categories: Background, Prenatal, OB/ED, Labor/Delivery/Postpartum and General Feedback and comprises both qualitative
and quantitative questions. - Assisted with assembling storyboards to educate St. Francis patients and staff on the importance of the work of Cherished Futures for Black Moms and Babies.
- Successfully carried out 20-plus surveys with Black patients who gave birth at St. Francis in 2023. Currently extrapolating key themes and trends to develop a comprehensive report.
Jordan Keys and Sarah (Sooyeon) Bang
Huntington Hospital
Video: Internship Reflection
Valeria Duran
Huntington Hospital
HCC Video Presentation
Current Health Care Roles
- Sarah (Sooyeon) Bang: Data Analyst, Cedars Sinai
- Jordan Keys: Post-market Surveillance Analyst, Abbott
- Valeria Duran: Research Analyst, Trio Health, Inc.
For any questions, please contact Soyinka Allen.