Hospital leaders and emergency department staff, you’re invited to Our Commitment to California: Keeping Our Communities Safe from Wildfires. This free webinar will discuss Southern California Edison’s (SCE) response process during live power outages.
In the webinar, you’ll hear from Luis Lara, SCE, about types of outages that can impact hospital operations and SCE’s response and restoration process during these interruptions. You’ll also learn about SCE’s general response timelines during power outages, what resources are available to hospitals and who to contact for increased support beyond the general call center.
Following this webinar, you’ll be able to:
- Identify common types of power interruptions to operations
- Understand the base timeline for SCE’s response and restoration efforts during outages
- Know key SCE staff and teams to contact during power outages
- Begin developing additional contingency plans to best position your organization for success during outages

Luis Lara is an advisor for the outage management and communications team, part of SCE’s Customer Engagement Division. His primary role is to support commercial and government customers on outage-related issues, educate customers on SCE’s wildfire mitigation strategy and Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) protocol, and lead proactive customer engagement.

Mark Gamble, Chief of Advocacy and Operations, HASC
For any questions about the webinar, please contact the HASC Education Department.